TAU Climate Crisis Initiative - Climate Research Travel Scholarships

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20 February 2024
Photo by Product School on Unsplash

TAU Climate Crisis Initiative - Climate Research Travel Scholarships 

The TAU Climate Crisis Initiative is pleased to offer a limited number of travel scholarships to TAU students presenting climate change-related research at international scientific conferences. 


The maximum scholarship amount per student is $500. Funds can be put towards expenses for flights/rail tickets, accommodation, conference fees and other direct travel costs.  Funds will be reimbursed following the trip and according to university procedure (see attached Human Resources travel form for further details and conditions). 
Applications can be made at any point during the year and will be processed on a rolling basis, so long as funds are available. 
Applications will be reviewed by a committee established by the Climate Initiative. Decisions to award scholarships are at the discretion of the Initiative and will be based on the relevance of the conference and presentation to climate change research, available funding and university regulations. 


Eligibility criteria: 

•    The applicant is registered for a Master's, PhD or Post-doc at Tel Aviv University at the time of the conference.

•    The applicant has confirmation of an accepted abstract/paper/poster at an academic conference overseas. 

•    The topic of the presentation is directly related to climate crisis understanding and solutions (from any discipline).

•    The application has been made at least 45 days before the date of travel. 


To apply, send the following documents to planetzero@tauex.tau.ac.il

    Completed PlanNet Zero Travel Scholarships Application Form 
    Confirmation letter from the conference of the accepted abstract/poster 
    Website/brochure of the conference including the dates and location
    Completed TAU Human Resources travel form including signature of the student's Head of School.  


If funds are allocated, the student will be responsible for submitting the Human Resources form and ensuring it is processed, in order to be reimbursed for travel expenses. 
For questions about eligibility or the procedure, contact us at planetzero@tauex.tau.ac.il 


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