Voices of Change: Laura from Paris, France

"I remember enjoying the warm sunshine. Now summers have become unbearable"



What is your name and where are from?


My name is Laura and I am from Paris, France.



Have you heard the term Climate change?


My family migrated to Israel six years ago and before that we lived in a small town outside Paris. I have witnessed climate change firsthand over the decades.



What is the climate over there?


When I was a little girl, summer was my favorite season. I have memories of playing outside with my friends as we enjoyed the warm sunshine. Now summers have become unbearable. Each year the heat waves start early and last longer and soar over 38 degrees Celsius.



 Do you guys see any changes in the climate during past few years


In the year 2023, France recorded around 3700 deaths of people aged over 75 years old. Extreme heat has been a concern, straining the healthcare systems and hitting older people, infants, and children. I’ve also noticed winters becoming warmer and wetter over the years. Massive storms are now common, causing rivers near our town to flood. The house of one of my friends house was ravaged when there was an overflow as the Seine River flooded. Most of her furniture and belongings were destroyed. My heart aches for the elderly during the extreme weather events. They suffer the most during heat waves, and also during flooding. I watched in the news how rescue workers have to save more people from rising flood waters.



What does your family think about the climate change?


There is not much discussion about it in the family, but it is evident to all of us that the climate impacts the lives of people we are close to, and ours as well.  



What is your opinion on climate change, why does it occur, and what is the main cause?


I know climate change is to blame for all of this. Actions have been taken to curb the situation; an example is the reduction of carbon footprint, but these efforts are being frustrated by our leaders. Scientists say the situation will get worse in the future, and all we do is mentally prepare as summers become hotter, winters become wetter and storms become worse. I fear for how the future will look but I try to remain hopeful that we can still protect our home. 



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